Bladder Scanners
Intuitive and accurate bladder scanning for determining bladder volume in your patients
VitaScan bladder scanners afford a safe, non-invasive, painless and reliable procedure that allows you to assess the volume of urine retained within the bladder. Using a VitaScan instead of urinary catheterisation alleviates discomfort, pain, and the introduction of outside pathogens to the patient's bladder.
Bladder scanners are the safest option for healthcare providers to use for patients experiencing urine retention and reduce the number of urinary tract infections across the hospital, whilst revealing postoperative retention.
With state-of-the-art bladder volume detection, VitaScan eVue and cVue are the latest evolution of bladder scanner technology. Robustly designed to perform accurately and intuitively, the cVue (cart-based) and eVue (carry case) systems offer Irish hospitals the very best bladder scanning solutions.
The VitaScan PD evolved to be the predominant choice for wards, hospitals and nursing homes in Ireland; providing you with a robust, reliable and accurate bladder volume instrument.